Friday, February 12, 2010

Kill all pedophiles

NBC's "To Catch a Predator" should get a Medal of Honor. If I were a billionaire, I'd operate these molester traps all over the world, luring these fuckers in and feeding them feet first into wood-chippers. And they'd run day and night, year round, on eight channels. Live HD channels.

I have been thinking about the design of massive "black site" concentration camps for pedophiles. I would chip them with listening devices so all their conversations can be recorded by a massive data center for analysis. When one brags about an abduction or assault that the authorities don't know about, he will be plucked out at night and processed to an interrorgation facility where polygraphs, pharmaceuticals, sensory deprivation, hippocamus brain scanning, etc. can be used to extract details and close missing persons cases.

Another concern is the possibility of the facility being compromised by natural disaster or outside attack by the families of the pedophiles. I would implant remote-kill switches in all the prisoners and that moment there is a chance of prison break or rescue attempt, pushing a red button would drop all of them. All this would be secret of course because it would make uncaptured molesters adapt their tactics to evade detection. I do not believe revealing such a program would be of much deterrence value against molesters anyway based on the assumption that they cannot be cured in the first place. All the tax-paying public needs to know is that their benevolent Leviathan is honoring the Social Contract.