Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Healthcare debate

The cost of medical care has to deflate like 90%. Why should we need insurance anyway? Sorry. The hospitals have to eat it, the doctors have to eat it, the lawyers have to eat it (tort reform), the illegals have to eat it. Put all prices of surgical procedures, diagnostics, hospital stays on the web like Travelocity and Priceline. Race to the bottom. Why not buy pharmaceticals from other countries? One is free to travel and engage in commerce right? Sure, we'll let illegals into the Emergency Room, but they will get fingerprinted and tracked by creditors.

Why charge $150 for a blood test when a little disposable plastic device can run 200 tests with a single drop of blood? The miracle of nano-technology. Destructive creation: Decimating the diagnostic industry to bring cheap home test kits to the public. Why not?

Why treat smokers and drug addicts at all? They made their choice. The earlier their deaths, the more solvent Social Security becomes.

And why limit pharmaceuticals with the FDA? Allow the untested stuff into the market. Let the public know that it's untested and let them decide. And insurance companies should be free to drop anyone crazy enough to try the untested stuff. And why have mandatory licensing for doctors? Let the unlicensed ones operate too, and let the consumer decide on the level risk they're willing to take.

Otherwise electronic capital will electronically beam itself out of a graying United States and into countries without our tax and legal regime burdened with massively inflated entitlements. Even the young people will vote with their feet and emigrate to greener pastures.

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