Friday, April 30, 2010

May Day

They are marching this weekend, threatening to burn down our cities. I dare them. The food-producing rural areas can weather the storm. When the time comes, they can surround the cities and dictate new terms of governance. The starving masses will be in no position to differ. Those who can leave the city will be determined solely by appearance and dress, a ruthless impromptu screen.

When we look back, we will realize how this all started:
When the Supreme Court renders a decision on McDonald vs. Chicago in May or June, there will be subsequent lawsuits filed against the states with strict prohibitions on conceal-carry, self-defense etc. These same states have large urban populations who have never encounters armed law-abiding citizens, which means the animals in those states have had an easy time preying on the innocent. But when they cross paths, the animals will be in for a surprise as they are put down hard and fill up the morgues. The degenerate friends and degenerate families of these degenerate predators are going to howl for justice against this racism and vigilantism. There will be riots. There will be reprisal violence. But their intended victims will not be so docile anymore.

We will no longer be quiet about our tax burden. We will no longer be quiet about the welfare payments. We will no longer be quiet about subsidizing our neighbors. The leeches will be utterly shocked that their host dares try to severe the umbilical cord.

The proud and angry lumpenproletariat will entrench themselves and declare new nations in our territory. They will be heavily armed and predatory towards "the other." But where democracy and legislation have failed the American people in removing the invaders, artillery and firestorm will succeed. The masses will be inspired by the marches of their glorious past. The mortar shelling will write a new collective historic memory of expulsion and disenfranchisement. The operators of the mortars will be inspired by the tactics of the Balkans.

Here's the deal. We the tax-paying, property-owning stakeholders proceed to exterminate the rootless, impulsive, unemployable males and you, the welfare consuming, non-productive useless eaters look the other way, unless of course you want that government check to stop coming. Once we have security, you will have security. The police or military will no longer be apart of the equation. When their paychecks bounce, they will work for whoever can put food on the table and it won't be the inert, dependent classes whose votes will be a moot point when no one is left to man the ballot machines.

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